Design Philosophy

True Beauty comes from within and is reflected in the things that surround us in our natural environment, as well as our built environment. Design, and in particular interior design, is a tool we can use to express who we are as individuals. It is not static as we are not static beings. Styles change, tastes change and technology changes but what never changes is our unique human need to express ourselves.

My Design Philosophy is that it is the client or user, as a multi-dimensional being,  who is at the beginning, center and end of the design process. It is my burning desire as a designer to create a space that not only reflects who this person is, but what they aspire and dream to be and to do it in a way that had possibly never occurred to them before. I believe the interior spaces in which we live are an extension of who we are just like the clothes we wear and the friends we keep. I believe we as designers truly can change people's lives through design, but only once we take the time to truly find out who they are first.