Thursday, September 23, 2010

Does this mean I am a Design Philosopher?

I think a lot - sometimes way too much. I think I actually enter the realm of "over thinking" on a daily basis. One of our first major class assignments was to form our Design Philosophy. I thought "wow, this should be a cinch". I mean after all, I know what my style is when I see it and I know what my unique vision is. My designs always include something personal for my client and focuses on the idea of a "collected" or "eclectic" interior. I love the mix of old and new, a basically neutral color palette with fun pops of color placed in just the right spot for the greatest impact, and I don't believe in buying anything that comes in "sets". So yeah, I was ready to write my Design Philosophy because I know exactly what that philosophy is, right? Or do I?
After a few word exercises and a line of questioning about our goals, we were to end the assignment by making a collage that represented our philosophy and then have a written philosophy. What started out to be so easy in my mind, all of a sudden became difficult for me. I was challenged to communicate not only through words, but through a narrated picture story about what my philosophy really is. It then dawned on my that what I first thought was my philosophy was actually just the product of that philosophy. I had to dig deeper to get to the root of what truly fueled MY design fingerprint. So after a lot of thinking, deep thinking, re-thinking and - you guessed it - over thinking, I am pleased to share my Design Philosophy with you.
True Beauty comes from within and is reflected in the things that surround us in our natural environment, as well as our built environment. Design, and in particular interior design, is a tool we can use to express who we are as individuals. It is not static as we are not static beings. Styles changes, tastes change and technology changes but what never changes is our unique human need to express ourselves.
My Design Philosophy is that it is the client , as a multi-dimensional being,  who is at the beginning, center and end of the design process. It is my burning desire as a designer to create a space that not only reflects who this person is, but what they aspire and dream to be and to do it in a way that had possibly never occurred to them before. I believe the interior spaces in which we live are an extension of who we are just like the clothes we wear and the friends we keep. I believe we as designers truly can change people's lives through design, but only once we take the time to truly find out who they are first.
Take a look at my collage and look at images that reflect my philosophy and design style. See if you can find the pictures that reflect the words I wrote. But please...try not to over think it :-)


  1. The new organization/simplification of the collage is vast improvement. The full room in the top left helps me, as a viewer, visualize your design philosophy of neutral background with pops of colors (love the peonies there my favorite flower). Editing and taking some of the less meaningful images out like the offices space gives me a better idea of who you are.

    One slight note. Try putting a space between your paragraphs I think that I will read easier.

    Don't over think! LOL

  2. The meditating woman at the center is so very key, of course. Like we said in class today, your collage looks a lot better; you did a good job! I also like that the overall color scheme fits your preferred colors, too. The creams and warm yellows are very calming and pretty.

  3. Your design philosophy is very inspiring. I love that you start out your statement with "True Beauty comes from within and is reflected in the things that surround us in our natural environment, as well as our built environment." It sets the bar on exactly what your trying to say and flows perfectly with your collage

  4. This is a very good collage~ :) and i think it goes really well with your design philosophy. I also agree with Leisl that your design philosophy was very inspiring and I totally agree with you about the interior space is an extension of who we are.

  5. The layout and your all image organize very well. Also, your images move my eyes around and follow all of them by having a woman in the focal point. Also, I agree with you about: "I believe we as designers truly can change people's lives through design." I think people can change their living by design when they exactly know who they are.
    In my opinion, I think it is a little bit hard for me to read this page because it is a long paragraphs and tiny letters. You may have a space between your paragraph, so it would help your reader read it easier.
