Thursday, October 14, 2010

Opposites Attract

There really is something magical about opposites - they really do attract. when i think of opposites I think of the yin yang as a beautiful symbol of the blending of opposites just in it's beautiful form and the use of total opposite but simplest of colors - black and white.

In the built environment, the combination of opposites creates interest and a dynamic space. Let's take a look at some of the terms associated with Form and Space:


Think about the positive and the negative. is the glass half empty or half full? Form and space relay on each other. Pictured below is a great example of the play on form and space. In this example, what is the form and what is the space?

Similar to the yin yang we can see how the form surrounds the space. Our eye typically sees the black as solid and the white as negative space. But is this always true? For a moment look again and imagine the white as solids and the black as negative space. Does this change your perception of the form? For me it does!

The Base Plane is one the elements used to Define space with Horizontal Elements. A Base plane is a horizontal plane that rests on a contrasting background and makes a simple space, Below is a room that shows how the floor is the base plane.

In these pictures we see the floor of the room as the base plane upon with everything , including furniture rests.


This element is a way define space with vertical linear elements. A single vertical plane has frontal qualities and has 2 different faces. The predominant line of the plane is vertical and moves the eye upward.

The entrance to this building is a great example of a single vertical plane. It show's height and emphasizes the verticality of the building.


 Light is a quality of architectural space and focuses on the illumination of the space along with the architectural surfaces and forms.. Through both natural and artificial light, this element will affect all other elements and will set the mood for the space.

While this space does include artificial light sources, it is obvious that the majority of light comes through the large glass window from sunlight and moonlight.


The are different types of openings that can be used in Space defining elements. Openings within planes

These photos illustrate the window opening within the wall plane.

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